Monday, August 21, 2006

New welding wire improves weld quality

The welding wire that came with our welder was acceptable but hardly what could be called ideal for welding any type of metal that I tried.

After fighting through the spool, I made a quick trip to Home Depot® and bought a new spool of .035" flux cored welding wire for about $9..... Why didn't I do this before the original spool had run out?

At this point I wonder why myself...

Below are pictures of 2 scraps of steel I welded together to test the wire out.... One is 1/4" and the other is 3/16". Neither one was prepped other than to remove excessive surface rust with a wire wheel.

The fillet weld on the outside of a 90° joint.

Same weld from another angle.

This is the inside of a different 90° joint, but the same scraps.
One of the scraps is angle iron, the other is flat bar to cap the end.
Looks like I should clean it up more and work on better tip speed control....

More later...

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