Monday, December 21, 2009

Other than memories, Chunky and Raye are no longer a part of my life...

Well, Chunky was given away without my blessings while I was out of the state.

I am very angry about that, but the one responsible doesn't really care. (We'll call him WM)

And more recently, while working with said individual, Raye was attacked and torn up by another room mate's male Akita that got lose from his pen.

For the sake of differentiation, we will call that person: Bill.

Bill went only so far as to drop Raye off on the cold, hard tile floor in the shower.

HE didn't clean Raye's wounds, give him something soft to lay on, or any anti-biotics - which are plentiful here.

Raye died in my arms, about 20 minutes after I got home..

He managed one last wag before closing his eyes and letting go of life.

Since WM didn't care enough to do anything, I am forced to leave.. to find a new place where people actually care about pets and other people. Everyone here is selfish and uncaring at best.

I had to sell one of my cars to pay off a ticket so I can get my driver's license restored, but even that will help make it easier to move (cutting down to 1 car)

I am currently looking for a place to move to near a source of plentiful jobs.. it's not easy in this economy.

I'll probably write more later...

At least I still have Tippy Toes..
